Wednesday 13 November 2013

Home Away from Home - Baguio City (Day 1)

It's been a while! I haven't visited my blog for so long since I have become busy with work and my hospitalization. =( Yes, I had an accident from playing badminton.. anyway, enough about that already.. I just want to share my first solo Baguio Trip I had last October! =)

I have been planning to visit Sagada or Bicol region during my MTA (Mandatory Time Away) because I haven't been to these places and I just want to relax. But for some reasons, I wasn't able to go to these places because my travel buddy had some problems with the schedules and financial stuff. So I just decided to go to Baguio, thinking I'll be able to get some time off all alone! Hahaha..

So one fine Thursday (17 October 2013), I decided to travel alone. My dad finally approved of this and so he accompanied me to Victory Liner in Cubao to buy my ticket. =)

I am quite excited because travelling alone is something that I haven't done for years. Although I have been to Baguio once, it still excites me knowing that I'll be experiencing living on my own. (I said to myself, "Praktis na rin 'to pag nagsolo/move out na ako!")

I left Cubao Station at 07:00 and calculating the travel time, I will arrive Baguio by 14:00. 

I left Manila with an empty stomach. That's why, after two hours, I wanted to jump off the bus already to get some food! I had no ready to eat food inside my bag nor candy and so I had to wait for the next bus stop! It was only by 10:00 that I was able to grab some snack when our bus stopped by Tarlac.

Two more hours on the road and we reached Sison Victory Liner Bus Stop. I didn't eat heavy lunch because, in about 1.5 hours, I will reach my destination already. I just ordered Squidballs there to keep my tummy at bay by the time I reach Baguio. 

I reached Baguio at exactly 14:30. I didn't have a hard time finding my transient home since it is the same home that we have stayed when me and my BPI colleagues went there 2 years ago. It just felt odd at first since the room is good for 6 and I will be sleeping there all alone. Hahaha

Since I was tired from the 7 hour long drive to Baguio, I just decided to spend the night in my new home there resting. For dinner, I read about this restaurant that offers generous servings of their menu, Good Taste Restaurant. 

Because this will be my first real meal for the day, I ordered the following: Siomai Soup, Fried Rice, Half Buttered Chicken and Miki Bihon. All orders are good for 4 except, Siomai soup and rice. I had to take home the excess and eat it for breakfast the following day!

I was so full that night. And by 17:00 outside, it was so cold already. So, when I finally reached my home, I decided to take a picture of the neighborhood. I asked my former colleague who is also staying in a nearby hotel what the temperature was in their room. She said, "Bless, 25 degress dito at naka-aircon kami!" Apparently, temperature outside is much colder than inside the hotel. I checked it using InstaWeather App. Hahaha! It says, 16 degrees! Woohooo! Bed weather indeed!

I had to turn off the fan already. It was so chilly! I had to make use of 2 blankets just to keep myself warm that night!

That's it for my first night in Baguio! I slept early because I know I'll be on a much more adventurous day the following day! =)

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