Friday 26 July 2013

Post Eiga Sai Date at TWG Shangrila East Wing

Sorry for the late post. It took me a while to write again because I have become very busy at work and other extra curricular activities. So now that I have spare time, I would like to share our post movie date tea party at TWG Salon and Boutique in Shangrila. 

As a brief background, at first I really don't like drinking tea because it smells and tastes like wood. It's so earthy. It's like you're drinking juiced wood. Back then, I wondered why my folks enjoyed it so much specially when we eat at a Chinese restaurant. For one, I know we're going to eat a lot, so they need something to dissolve all the bad fats from eating too much fatty food. (Parang ako, ang dami namang mas masarap na beverage, bakit tsaa pang walang kalasa lasa..) But when milk teas became a fad here in the Philippines, I developed an acquired taste and from then on I enjoyed every sip I had of it. And that's the beginning of my obsession with drinking tea. 

Anyway, back to the post movie date party, so Luthie, Nina and I went to the new wing of Edsa Shang to try out the newest branch of TWG in the Metro. It's located at M/L (2nd and 3rd) of Shangrila East Wing.

We decided to order scones and croissant and the classic 1837 Black Tea. Here are our orders.

the yummy scones served with whipped cream and tea infused jelly

the flavorful 1837 Black Tea


All these are served in this cute tray

We also ordered White House tea which is a white tea but I forgot to take a picture of it. And also these yummy Napoleon Tea and Caramel macarons that taste like Cream-O cookie only softer. 

And here are us! 

Ok. That's me. So happy! Haha

And here's our playful shot with the golden tea pot!

That's Luthie holding the thick tea menu

Me and Luthie! (Masaya talaga ako pag nasa TWG)

and of course Nina!

There had been so much girl talks that happened during that day that we did not notice that the mall is closing already! There's nothing like a good talk over a cup of tea! Hahaha!

And that's all for now, I hope you all had a good read! 


  1. Replies
    1. Hahaha! Thanks Jenna! It's so yummy noh? But mas like ko ung 1837 black currant. I don't know if it's because of the currant or what? hahaha

  2. Wow! You have all the time to blog na dear :D

    1. Not naman all the time. I just find comfort in blogging. :) Narerelease ko stress ko rito eh! :)

  3. Nagbasa ako ng posts na may ng mga food e gutom ako.. Gusto ko kainin ung mukhang mallows :)

    1. Hahaha! Lester, that's a macaron!!! hahaha! try mo, it's yummy! :)


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