Tuesday 14 January 2014

Home Away from Home - Baguio City (Day 3)

How do I tell what happened on my last day in Baguio? :)

In the morning of my last day in Baguio, went to Our Lady of Atonement Cathedral along Session Road. Then pray for personal intentions and then took a shot of the church's facade.

Here's the shot of the Cathedral's facade. 

Then, went again to 50's diner for breakfast and after that headed home to freshen up.

Paid a visit to Philippine Military Academy via Loakan Road. Luckily, there was an honoring service for an official of Philippine Air Force, (I think a retiree.) so the plebes and other selected students of the academy are all lined up for the parade. :)

Here are some of the shots from the honoring service.

The Officials.

Of course, my visit will never be complete without a photo op with the cadets! Here they are! All snappy in their cadet uniform!

I also took a shot of the basic trainer plane of the Philippine Air Force Pilots. The SF 260 M Marchetti.  

After the ceremonies, went to SM Baguio to have late lunch. But instead I found myself sitting in Starbucks munching the famous raisin bread I bought from the Cordillera store inside the mall. 

It was the best tasting bread ever! No joke! I am not a bread-type of person, but for this one, I am willing to be converted! Hahaha

Here is the raisin bread I am talking about.

full of raisins!!! it's soo yummehh!

Stayed for a while in the coffee shop until my departure arrives. By 16:00 went back to Victory Liner to get my ticket and then boarded the bus going back to Manila. 


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