Thursday 8 August 2013

26th Birthday Celebration (Part 3)

I don't usually go on a buffet lunch/dinner unless I am with my family. And I think the last time that we had such was way back in 2011 at Sambokojin in Eastwood, Libis in time for my Dad's birthday. 

But this year, before the month of July officially ends, my closest high school friends and I had a mini birthday celebration at Sambokojin, Edsa. 

For this year, Sambokojin gives a 7-day birthday treat to the birthday celebrators. They will get free lunch/dinner buffet provided they are accompanied by a paying customer. Good thing I have opulent friends! HAHAHA

And here are some of the pictures from the mini celebration. (Pics courtesy of EA, Jenna and Topher)

Me and my friend EA

my other friends Luthie. Jenna and Topher

our group pics

 some of the food that we picked from the food shelves

grilling the meat (the asparagus wrapped in bacon is to die for!)

and here are the male staffs of Sambokojin singing a happy birthday to me! They even sang my song request Pusong Bato! el talentado!)

 my cute and tiny birthday cake (it tastes like whammos!!!)

 the blowing of the birthday candle


see that smile?? because I was surprised!!! I got a lovely gift!!!

yes! a really really lovely Ever New shoulder bag!

Isn't that wonderful? :)

They say save the best for last. Indeed I had the most wonderful July ender birthday celebration! :)

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